
Yoga Zone Postures For Pregnancy


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Practice Yoga for Anger Management
... This technique cannot prepare you for every situation in life, but it can help you with knowing the source of your problems.For example: Let’s say we have constant fits of anger in traffic. We have identified part of the problem. To go a bit deeper: Are we worried about being late or do we just get anxiety in crowds and traffic jams? ...more
Yoga and Stress
...ed for reducing stress. It involves an awareness of slow, controlled breathing and stretching and posing the muscles of the body.A study conducted by the Center for Integrative Medicine of Thomas Jefferson University showed that a one hour session of yoga lowered cortisol in participants with no previous yoga experience, and after seven consecutive day...more
Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2
...ased the Yoga teacher course. Make sure you get answers if you are “stuck” during your Yoga teacher internship.What are your goals in regard to your Yogic career? Plan long term and short term goals, but add your continuing education to both lists. At least, make it a point to read Yoga books and watch Yoga DVD’s. Audio books are handy too.What is your esti...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...series of steps which purify the body and mind, ultimately leading the yogi to enlightenment. Yamas - or restraints (Don'ts) are divided into five moral injuctions, aimed at destroying the lower nature. They are - Ahimsa or non-violence , Satyam or truthfulness , Brahmacharya or moderation in all th...more
Sweatin' with the Yogis' with the Yogis I'd say one of the successes of Bikram yoga is this immediate result. I've never sweated so much in my life. Before even starting the postures sweat was pouring off my body. This may sound awful, but the heat quickly escapes your mind as your focus is redirected to maintaining the 60-second poses. A 60 second hold...more


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