
Cotton Stretch Yoga Pants


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Yoga and Neck Problems: What's the Risk?
...fications, and completely understands your ailment.Find a Yoga teacher who is understanding, gentle, and knowledgeable. At that point, set up an interview with your prospective Yoga teacher, and explain your ailment in detail. The methods, personalities, knowledge, and patience, of instructors who are tea...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga for Peace of Mind
... I asked her if she needed anything.She replied, “No, I’m doing great. I haven’t felt like this, since I was seven.” She was just learning to enjoy the moment and this student was well over 70 years of age. Two decades later, I often hear similar stories from Yoga students on a regular basis. Physicians...more
Hot Yoga - Sweeping Away an Image
...ents. As early as 1972 the findings and benefits were presented at an International Medical Conference where it was confirmed scientifically that Bikram Yoga has the ability to affect the body internally.Bikram has come up with twenty-six different posture exercises which are related, each working with previous postures, in a sequence, to treat the body effectively. This is...more
Purpose of Yoga - From Thought to Action
... Law of Karma is the law of action. Often, we hear simple explanations of karma as good or bad, but what about inaction?Inaction can also be good or bad, depending on the situation. There are times when it is good to think before we talk. With all the various thoughts in the “Monkey Mind,” it is best that some of those are not put into action.On the other hand, if...more
The Perseverance of Teaching Yoga, Part 1
...out passion.Secondly you must have a dream that you can visualize. If you can picture yourself teaching Yoga, and feel the joy of your journey, you are fine. However, if you cannot see yourself becoming a Yoga teacher, it just might not be your “calling.” Whatever the goals you choose to pursue in life, you will need both de...more


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