
3 Yoga Blocks


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Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
...ther aspects. Yoga teachers should not surrender the control of the class structure to students, who need direction.Your value, as a Yoga teacher, is that you know the proper direction the class is going in, and why your Yoga class is going in a particular direction. You, and your Yoga students, shoul...more
Yoga's Place in America
...ricans in particular have turned yoga into an exercise regimen and ideal of perfect health. It has become an integral part of the multi-million dollar fitness industry. Some of this is due to America's fascination with celebrity. When stars like Madonna embrace something like yoga, thousands of fans follow suit. Madonna is known throughout the world as having o...more
Yoga For Losing Weight
...s that rapid weight loss is healthy. The reality of the world we live in is that gradual weight loss of one pound, or two, per week is healthy. Gradual weight loss has the best chance of becoming permanent.Holistic health has everything to do with balance in the body and all of the body's systems. Crash diet...more
Chair Yoga - Yoga For Everyone, Including Workaholics And Seniors
...itting on a chair or with the aid of a chair, either as part of a yoga class, or for anyone too busy to do formal yoga classes. Chair yoga has caught on with seniors, and at retirement communities, because it's safe and suitable for those who have trouble getting up and down, and who have stiff joints.The poses for chair yoga are hatha yoga a...more
Yoga -- For Relaxation
...ere developed thousands of years ago to produce beneficial results.To have the desired effects, yoga routines must be carried out correctly. Poor yoga practices will likely produce disappointing results.The KeysYour attitude and your focus are the keys to making your yoga experience deeply satisfying. Entering the profound stag...more


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