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How To Begin Your Yoga Practice In Texas
...ation.Once you get a listing of Yoga centers, pick a studio that's convenient to your home or work, so getting to class will be easy. Make sure you start with a basic-level class. Many gyms also offer Yoga classes with excellent teachers. If you already belong to a gym and they offer the classes as part of your membership,...more
Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga
...nationIsvara Pranidhana- surrender and devotion to the DivineCoupled with the Yamas and Niyamas are the following practices for the mind, body and spirit:Asana - The practice of postures is the most widely recognized form of yoga in the Western World. In the East, asana is a smaller part of the complete yoga practi...more
The History of Yoga
...sciplinePranayama - controlling the breathPratyahara - going inward and withdrawing attention from the outside worldDharana - concentrationDhyana - meditationSamadhi - merging with the universal consciousnessThe Swami Vivekananda added to the history of yoga by bringing it to America. In 1893, he addressed the Parliament...more
Hurricane Power Outages and Yoga
...e as required to do so by law found themselves stuck for three to four weeks without power or water. Many of those people who live in the hurricane area know this can happen and they stock up on food and water. Nevertheless without any television, telephones or power there is not a lot you can do.However, if you are into yoga you could simply ...more
Rejuvenated Yoga
...imes. It is estimated that millions of people are practicing yoga in the US and UK. Slowly people are realizing that it could be the single solution for most of the prevalent ills in the modern age. Stress, blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes are the various ailments caused due to our busy life. Yoga has a cure for all of them.The discipline of yoga has been rejuvenated i...more


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