
Yoga Certification Atlanta


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Yoga Certification Atlanta Information


Is Yoga The Answer - Yoga The Medicinal Fix
...ards their health - environmental hazards which are out of our control but very much a part of our lives is becoming a worry to us all. Then we have another health issue - stress, which is destroying people`s lives with energies of destruction affecting how they live.Is Yoga the answer. Stress/anxiety affects people in different ways so it is important - before buying over the counter any...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
...e in peak physical condition.Yoga teachers should explain the many values Pranayama and of Hatha Yoga’s other aspects. Yoga teachers should not surrender the control of the class structure to students, who need direction.Your value, as a Yoga teacher, is that you know the proper direction the class is goi...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Identify the Cause
...ions that seem obvious, from the outside, are not so easily found, from within, when we are stressed out.For many of us, stress tends to have a cumulative effect on our health and well-being. Stress can cause violent outbursts and change our life for the worst. Small daily problems tend to add up over a period of tim...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean a single wave was its own entity and yet part of the entire ocean. It was impossible I observed to feel any kind of separation when we see ourselves in the same way. We are the wave and the ocean. The Self and Atman. Everything was contained in that one moment just like it is contained in this moment. We are re-creating...more
Yoga, The Hot New Trend?
...ols are now starting to teach yoga. They are realizing that it is the essence of what's missing in the lives of many modern teens: a connection between their mind and body. An ancient art that has been used for centuries to learn and enjoy a peaceful time, while reducing stress and to cultivate an enthusi...more


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