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Destination De-Stress! Newest Trend in Personal Wellness
...plore the area or can choose just to relax at poolside. Beauty treatments, such as a body massage, facial scrub, manicure or pedicure, are available at an additional cost. And, private airport transfers to the property can be arranged as well.So what’s the hoopla all about?Dating back over 5000 years, yoga is the oldest defined practice of physical well being and self...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating More Seeds of Success Tips
...of pursuing it. The difference between a seeker and a finder is very vast. The seeker searches for opportunities, but the finder locates them.So where are these hidden opportunities? The fact is - daily opportunities are not hiding anywhere. Most of us are not looking for them, or do not recognize an opportunity w...more
What Yoga Class Should I Begin With? Description of Yoga Styles for Beginners
...he western world, which raises the question to those who want to begin practicing... What yoga class should I start with?Iyengar yoga is a really good style for beginners because it uses props, such as blocks and a belt, as aids in the different postures. It is extremely structured and focuses on the structural alignment of the physical body through development of postures (asanas).Every style is...more
Yoga Teacher Certification for the Rich and Famous
...n” time spent with his teacher. After all, we have an onsite Yoga Teacher program that is more expensive than our correspondence course.Time spent learning Yoga from a Master Teacher, or a Guru, is a valuable service. Our course is designed for an experienced Yoga practitioner who doesn’t need as much hands on help or who has a local Y...more
...g! It had an almost cultish persona. Nowadays your gran is quite likely to tuck her Yoga mat under her arm and head on down to the local gym for an hour of Yoga and meditation. Yoga is coming out of the darkened room and is being embraced in it many forms by old and young alike.Yoga originated in India. It is considered one of the most ancient forms of self...more


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