
Cancer Yoga Mat


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Yoga for Stress Relief - Learn Some Simple Techniques
...your neck relaxed and straight and breathe normally. Hold the pose for however long it feels comfortable - a few minutes, perhaps. 2) Butterfly Pose - Sit on the floor with your knees out and soles of the feet touching - like a butterfly. Keeping your back straight and holding your feet, slowly raise and lower your knees several times. Then, lean forward from your hips. Hold this pose for ...more
Three Great Benefits of Yoga
...ou how many physically beautiful people appear so ugly to me because of their character.Likewise, I can't begin to mention the countless individuals I know that although not blessed with extreme physical beauty, actually appear beautiful because of their glowing spirit and wonderful attitude.One of the greatest benefits of yoga, both the exerci...more
Your Mental Energy Sphere - Book Review
...nd deduction, Shyam coaxes individuals to find their true happiness. Though Shyam provides the tools, he makes it clear that readers will have to take the steps that will ensure their own satisfaction in life.Your Mental Energy Sphere is certainly an upbeat and educational publication. I recommend it to anyone looking for...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Ethical Guidelines
.... Yoga teachers, who break ethical guidelines, risk permanent dismissal, with no chance of re-instatement, depending upon the severity of the infraction.Therefore, be certain to touch students for Asana assistance and education, only. Any self-respecting organization should have ethical guidelines, so there is no excuse for teachers who kn...more
Kundalini Yoga
...misuse them.There is a story about Sri Ramakrishna and his dearest disciple Swami Vivekananda. Sri Ramakrishna offered to Swami Vivekananda all his occult powers. Vivekananda asked whether these would help him to realise God. Ramakrishna replied they wouldn’t but he could use these occult powers to do good in the world. Vivekananda replied that if these powers didn’t help his spiri...more


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