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Yoga Visualization for Empowerment - Introduction
...gely ignored by many Hatha Yoga practitioners around the world. Many Hatha Yoga practitioners have developed a “ranking system” for Yoga. Ask most students what advanced Yoga is, and they will mention a difficult Asana (Yoga posture).It is not their fault, because their Yoga teachers think the same thing. Many...more
Yoga's Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment
...teya, teaches not to steal from another. The fourth, Bramacharya, advises against overindulgence of any form. The fifth, Aparigraha, teaches the student to live a simple life that is not distracted by material things.Niyama, or the second fold, is considered the path of self restraint and consists of three distinct ele...more
Yoga For Wrinkles?
...gthens the body. Now promoters say it can also make you look younger.That may be good news to those who shun Botox and other expensive cosmetic procedures. The question is: does it work?Ask Annelise Hagen, a yoga instructor in Manhattan's wealthy Upper East Side who teaches facial exercises, and she’ll say it does. Hagen is the author of “...more
How To Become A Certified Yoga Instructor At Any Age
...oga instructor.Whatever you are taught in the class, it is up to you to be disciplined to practice diligently at home. In yoga, as in other disciplines, practice makes perfect. Regardless of how old you are, without mastering the techniques and moves, it is impossible for you to teach others. Because yoga is not a strenuous f...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 3
...our other option is to take risks, and there is no excuse for it. Books, videos, and correspondence courses, are relatively inexpensive. Seminars, retreats, and workshops, for Yoga teachers, can be somewhat more expensive, but the value of continuing education is so important; add to this that you may be ...more


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