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Hatha Yoga - The "Yoga of Postures" - The Ancient and Spiritual Path
...e most popular branch of Yoga. People who try it once, stick to its classes and never miss any. You should try it yourself and let us know your own opinion. On regular practicing, you will become familiar with its postures and exercises, and then, you can practice it on your own, even if you are at home. For the best results, you should...more
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
...ho we are.There are aspects of Yoga practice that come into play in this arena as well. As we move deeper into our practice, there are aspects above and beyond the asanas we perform together in our classes at Lotus7. Among these would be non-harming, truthfulness, non-stealing, and non-coveting. In fa...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Secrets of a Yoga Studio Lease
...s on your dream Yoga studio. Before you sign a lease on your Yoga studio, take the time to read the following tips.Did you ever wonder why small businesses fail within months of opening? Here is some valuable information for any Yoga teacher, who is thinking about signing a Yoga studio lease. It may save you a few thousand dollars and plenty of potential heartache...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Yoga posture - Half Moon
...and the nerves connected with the leg muscles. It is highly effective for strengthening the legs, buttocks, abdomen, knees and the ankles. The leg strength is gained from balancing on one leg.The Ardha Chandrasana stretches the groins, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, and the spine. It improves coordination and sense o...more
More Yogic Stress Management Solutions
... abdominal fat places us in a higher risk category, when considering a potential heart attack or stroke. Therefore, a little cortisol, in response to short term stress is fine, but too much cortisol will most likely shorten our lives.Getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night is a very big help for reducin...more


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