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Learning the Popular Styles of Yoga - Ashtanga, Bikram, and Kundalini
...rees. By keeping the room at a high temperature, the muscles of the body are more flexible. This is a controversial style because of an intellectual property lawsuit by Choudhury. Only those yoga instructors, certified in his method, are permitted to teach Bikram yoga.On the other end of the timeline is Kundalini...more
Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 2
... considering liability, anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, safety, modifications, props, and contraindications are of prime importance.When I hire a Yoga teacher; safety, communication, and knowledge override any credentials. The teaching performance within a Yoga class is more important than any other factor. This is why some Yoga studi...more
Beginner's Yoga Guide: Take Asana Step By Step
...nce, you can go for complex or difficult yogic practices.In beginner's yoga sessions you also get to know basic body balance postures. There could be various other basic positions ranging from standing poses to various bending and sitting positions.Once you are through with the first week of yoga classes, you are accorded with a little higher level...more
Choosing Yoga Clothing - Stop Posing!
...he various postures and positions are correctly mastered from the very start of training. Why waste your time trying to learn on your own and probably getting it completely wrong? You need to achieve maximum benefit from each of your workouts so that it encourages you to continue and thus achieve the compound benefits from regular, methodical exercise. Many pe...more
Pranayama -- The Yoga of the Breath
...oday's society we do not take the time to breathe properly: I mean, we REALLY do not take much time to notice IF we are breathing, let alone take the time to observe the quality of our breath. We rush from here to there; grab fast lunches on the fly and rush to the next task, panting in our hurry to get to our destination. When we do breathe it is often a shallow breath, concentrated in t...more


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