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Yoga for Every BODY
...mon experience with the people I teach or know. It is extremely challenging to go to a studio and relax when immediately you have to get your legs in lotus position. How uncomfortable is that? Yikes. Or you are so busy doing power yoga that you forgot to breathe or relax, feeling sore as you walk out the studio. Since I have experienced both being uncomfortable as a student and teacher I feel i...more
Teaching Yoga For Parkinson's Disease
... symptoms. Their walk is often a shuffling gait with very short steps. The person has trouble lifting their feet. Arms don't move, or move little, when the person is walking. Range of movement is impaired and their hands shake. This palsy is the most telltale sign of Parkinson's.Other symptoms that develop can b...more
Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms
...tandably concerned about the changes your body will experience. You have heard the stories of how menopause can change your life and how your mood will change. You do not want these mood swings, hot flashes, sudden flares of depression or insomnia, but you cannot find a way to control them either unless you know what to expect and the methods for helping you t...more
The Essence of Karma Yoga
...e secret of Karma Yoga is detachment. This means an aspirant is not attached to the result of his actions. He takes both failure and success with the same equanimity. This means he is not bloated with pride at success; nor does he despair when outwardly things appear to be a failure. In the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter II: 47) Sri Krishna a...more
Thai Massage Berlin: Introduction to Thai Massage
... and men throughout the Thai population with a less formal education. These Thai massage therapists oftentimes obtained their knowledge through oral tradition and have less extensive theoretical knowledge compared to their colleagues trained at the universities.With Thai massage the active movements of the massager harmonize ...more


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