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Yoga Explained
...eality. Yoga can be a way of increasing one's spiritual awareness and insight. While the history of yoga strongly connects it with Hinduism, it is said that yoga is not a religion itself, but has steps which can help people of all religions, as well as those who do not see themselves as religious.Common to most types of yoga is the practice of concentration and meditation. ...more
The Journey from Back Pain to Yoga Class are often accused of being too quick to prescribe medicines, but the public often demands quick and effortless solutions in regard to health care.Is Yoga really a “cure all” for back pain? In short, the answer is “no.” How can I say that? Nothing is a cure all for back pain, but Yoga helps most of the students I work with. No prescription can claim 100% patient satisfaction either. Odds a...more
The Purpose of Yoga - The Power of Knowing
...ractice Jnana Yoga, on a daily basis, regardless of his or her style. The practice of Jnana Yoga is the continuing education of every Yoga teacher.Jnana Yoga is union by knowledge. A Jnana Yoga practitioner may spend his or her life in the pursuit of knowledge, scripture, and truth, but what can any of ...more
Yoga Bolsters
...never intended to harm the practitioner's body in any way. Without slowly adapting to the processes, one might end up pulling muscles, stretching ligaments, tendons, or even ripping them, though the latter of the four is extremely rare.One such helpful item that some advanced practitioner's even use is that of the Yoga bolster. A bolster is a cotton-filled cushion that comes in...more
Knowing The Yoga Exercise Ball
... around since 1963. It originated in the European region of Italy. When the American Physical Therapists first laid their eyes on the stability ball being used, they were within the Swiss units of physical therapy. Thus, these stability balls were considered as "Swiss Balls." Nevertheless, all the Swiss balls during that period were made exclusively in Italy.Still, without ...more


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