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Managing Stress with Hatha Yoga
...ith the stress in their daily lives.You can learn how to do yoga from a book, video, TV program or you can attend a yoga class. It is recommended that you try a yoga class first, so that you can learn the basics of how to do the postures, breath properly and also meditate. When learning on your own through a book or video, without having someone trained in yoga there, you may be at...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Harnessing Empowerment with Jnana Yoga
...ed and the pages fell out.My Uncle had read the same copy, so I cannot take all the credit for the wear. Here’s the interesting part: My Uncle went into business for himself and owned two successful shoe stores before he passed away. I left the corporate world and opened a wellness center, which trains Yoga teachers worldwide.My Uncle an...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 3) are having feelings beyond the usual Yoga teacher / Yoga student relationship, you should seek qualified advice, do some “soul searching,” or withdraw yourself from the situation.The Yoga studio is not a romantic playground, or part of a dating service, for Yoga teachers. As a Yoga teacher, your relationship is founded upon the trust of your students. You also want to av...more
Teaching Yoga as Therapy
...result of practicing Yoga on a therapeutic level.In the case of children learning proper breathing techniques (pranayama), postures (asanas), proper diet, meditation, and deep relaxation - Yogic methods become a natural form of therapy, and give them valuable life skills. Children need to have the skills to deal with stres...more
Give Us Free Yoga a little help. Some of them let me know walking is free and left.The first day I charged for Yoga, the remaining students stayed, because they saw a value in learning Yoga. Their attendance was much more consistent. Some of my first “paying” Yoga students have become successful Yoga teachers in their own right, since then.If you are serious about something, you are willing to pay for it. Would...more


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