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Yoga and Meditation - Questions and Answers
...ta with its modifications [vrittis] inhibited [suppressed] would no longer be an object,” according to Shankara. The spirit, whose nature is consciousness alone, experiences the modifications of the mind (chitta) and mistakenly identifies with them. Though it seems to see many things, the only thing it ever really does see is the chitta as it dances before it in the form of ever-changing waves (...more
Yoga Poses
... dress should be comfortable enough to allow you to stretch and bend freely. · Like all other physical exercises, yoga poses should be done on a very light stomach and never after a meal. · Fix a particular time for your domestic practice to develop regularity and discipline · Such a discipline does not ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace
... feel and behave. I wanted to know how to get to that quiet place. I had doubts that I could rediscover that peace as the path to my inner peace was so over grown. Chair yoga has helped me rediscover my true self.I quickly discovered that I cannot breathe properly when I slouch. Now that I’m more conscious of ...more
Home Based Business - Teach Yoga And Make Money Online
...on along with physical exercises. It benefits people with heart disease, back problems, and asthma.When teaching Yoga you can choose a specialty to target a certain market. Like for instance; Yoga for physical fitness, Yoga therapy, spiritual Yoga, Yoga for seniors, Yoga for couples, Yoga for kids, prenatal or postnatal yoga. If ...more
Understanding the Yoga Sutras
...session. To my surprise, two of the students stood up and left. This natural event in a health club is almost never seen in an Ashram.What am I getting at here? Teaching all aspects of Yoga to everyone is sometimes like force-feeding a child. As teachers and interns, you should know all the benefits of Yoga. Unfortunately, your students may not want to know anyt...more
