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Executive Health - How Can You Cope?
...This union can be accomplished in many ways. Essentially it is a way to take your mind off the many pressing real life issues and on to your internal state of health. This produces a calmer state of mind, which can then make those important decisions in a more productive way.One of the most important things...more
The Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
...the conquest of non-Hindu religions? Does Yogi, or Yogini, imply your religious affiliation? Is Hatha Yoga a religion, and the western public is being duped?In the west, Yoga has been considered, by some religious fundamentalists, to be an “infiltration” of Hindu philosophy. Religion has always been a volatile subject. Yoga, of any k...more
The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being or driving home after a long day. A short routine for those of you spending hours staring at a computer screen is to take a few moments every day to glance at a distant object. This allows your eyes a moments rest from glare and a change of focus. Look left and right, up and down at least 5 times, blink at least 8 times to moist...more
Cellulite Exercises - What Are The Most Effective Cellulite Exercises?
...eight loss goals you have and the parts of your body for which you want to get rid of cellulite, and he can prepare a suitable program for you.Walking everyday in the morning or in the evening can also help in getting rid of excess fat from your body. All you need is a 30 minutes walk everyday. If you have a dog, you can walk y...more
Be Stress Free With Yoga
... successfully undertake yoga contributes towards its appeal. Furthermore, if you're looking to shed a few pounds, you'd be surprised how quickly yoga can get you back into shape. In this article, we'll look why yoga is beneficial, and how you can get involved in your local area, wherever you live!Yoga is quite simply a great form of exercise. It might seem like basic stretching to you, but i...more


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