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Digestive Disorders - Yoga Management
...pta Sukhasana, and an upright variation of Parsvottanasana (Side Stretch Pose) and Dhanurasana are practiced to treat digestive disorders. Some of these poses makes you put entire weight on stomach, thus tones stomach muscles and makes these stronger as well as to digest food better and cleanse system of left over food, etc** The commonly used ayurvedic medicine to fi...more
Tips for Yoga Teachers
...l of a pose helps students stay present in the moment and connect movement to breath.11) Use positive reinforcement. When you see someone doing something correctly, mention it to them and let them know that you've noticed their progress.To learn more useful tips for yoga teaching or to receive our free newsletter, which includes our expert interview series, bringing you teaching ...more
Yoga and the Gift of Empowerment
...iva) of a devoted student. Sometimes, a deity is called upon to bless and nurture the devoted student throughout life. As a result of this blessing, the student becomes empowered to help and teach others.This form of empowerment, from teacher to student, is still practiced in some parts of the wor...more
Tantra Yoga, Tantric Sex, or Viagra
...ntra Yoga, a natural solution, which does not have any adverse side-effects. I admit it: Men do not listen very well. This is not “selective hearing;” we do not listen to other men very well either. You can get a man to pay attention to a copy of the Kama Sutra though.Since most Yoga teachers and students, outside of India, are women, I am ...more
Yoga and Spiritual Self-Reconciliation
...allows the practitioner to open his or her awareness of spiritual health.Now, maybe you are concerned that a Yoga teacher, who guides students toward spiritual awareness, might try to convert you to his or her religion. Here is the solution: If you want spiritual health from Yoga - find a Yoga teacher who practices the same religion you do...more


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