
Yoga Harmony Mats Blue


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In the Presence of BKS Iyengar
...hed out and touched so many, often giving them back their lives after illnesses and injury. For those of us who have seen him in action he has awakened in us a deep sense of compassion and a desire to learn. Those yoga students who had the great good fortune to be in Estes Park with Mr. Iyengar have had a glimpse of the light, the wisdom, the truth...more
Strong Meditation from Yoga
... and clean your heart by using the mind, senses, and movement.2. You should be able to keep your neck, body, and head straight and in an up and down pattern. You should hold a stare that will focus on the tip of your nose. The mind will need to be free from upset, fear, and any human desire as this will allow you to meditate on the energy inside you a...more
Yoga To Avoid Lenses
...tine replete with asanas, pranayama and meditation helps in achieving peace and tranquility.Yogic Eye Exercises1. Sit in the Sukhasana (easy pose) with legs crossed and your spine, neck and head in a straight line. Look directly to the front at eye-level and breathe normally. Move your eyes upward and downwards stay for two seconds. Close your eyes for two se...more
Yoga For Beginners
...s widely practiced all over the world and as of today is a very popular method for getting great exercise.Yoga not only exercises your body, but you mind and soul as well. Yoga physical exercises go hand in hand with yoga meditations. This was started out in India so long ago you might not even believe it. They have found artifacts that depict people in Yoga positions th...more
The Foundation of Martial Arts: Yoga said that Boddidharma was a member of the Warrior caste. Therefore, he should also have had working knowledge of Kalarippayat; an indigenous Indian Martial art.Boddidharma is said to have reached a level of meditation that was very advanced. The body can be trained to a point, but the mind should also be trained as well. This is a cornerstone to all martial arts training. How often hav...more


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