
Mats Prana Yoga


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Yoga - In Sickness And In Health
...n tending to your body needs naturally instead of turning to medicinal pills (Depending of course of your condition) Yoga is as positive as you can get. Keeping your body fit is important so a healthy blood circulation is imminent to keep organs and veins functioning properly. Your immune system if stimulated is a force strong enough to fight sickness.Yoga and h...more
Yoga For Insomnia
...the body and raises the heart rate. These are not the conditions under which to try to fall asleep. Therefore, sun salutations would not be a good option at the end of your day, but would fit well into the early part of the day.Yoga is an excellent choice, because performing the correct poses, actually prepares the body for sleep. Hatha Yoga poses are generally divided between those that give ener...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Side Effects of Yoga Practice
...nticipate a negative side effect. Consider this: There are only positive side effects, which occur from Yoga practice.Stress becomes manageable, internal conflicts are reduced, and you develop complete clarity through Yoga practice. The most valuable aspects of Yoga are enhanced mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.Meditation is one the most important Yogic methods, beca...more
How to Become a Successful Yoga Teacher
...had the clothes on their backs as their only possessions. They did not pursue material wealth, but instead, helped others until their last day.How can I say they were successful? They chose the path that they wanted, and some have had tremendous influence without material wealth. They were men and women of co...more
Health Benefits of Yoga
...that people who practice yoga on a regular basis managed to prevent the effects of age related weight gain over a period of 10 years, specifically they weighed on average 3 pounds less than those who did no yoga at all.Overweight men and women who participated in the study and took up yoga thereafter were re...more


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