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In the Presence of BKS Iyengar
... over the past 25 years, I still scurried between poses to cryptically jot down each renewed or deeper insight, refusing complacency and thirsting for the larger vision of yoga, for the truth of being. I have never been disappointed by Mr. Iyengar, but rather awed by his simple yet profound teachings, his keen observations, and his deep sense of compassion and wisdom. I...more
Yoga for Constipation - Home Remedies for Constipation
...igestion and relieves constipationHome remedies for relieving constipation:Take one glass of milk while going to bed at night, as this helps in passing stool normally in the morning.Take at least 2 glasses of warm water in the morning and go for a small walk; this would help in relieving constipation.Taking 2-3 glasses of lemon juice with warm ...more
Meditation - Relaxation and Spiritual Exploration
...ce of relaxation and spiritual exploration. Yoga and Meditation techniques have been adopted by new age spirituality. Many methods are taught in retreats. The idea is to be around like minded people, which will aid the renewal of the spirit, body and mind.The benefits of "meditation" are not short of amazing. Yoga ensures this beneficial health and spiritual care. Meditative benefit's offer i...more
What is Patanjali's Ashtanga? Yoga Part III
...ans to hold. After one withdraws oneself from the gross body and senses, one should hold mind firmly. One can enter into Samadhi through this mind only. The saints and sages of Ancient India first realised that nothing is as great as mind in the whole universe. Mind is the cause of everything; creation...more
The Perseverance of Teaching Yoga, Part 2 write down and reach for goals.Again, perseverance comes into play. For every Yoga teacher I know, perseverance has become a way of life. This is the way it must be in an ever-changing and fast paced world. Your dreams may not go according to plan bur perseverance is your private mental strength. When you teach Yoga classes, you must address the needs ...more


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