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Laughter Yoga - Laughter Heals Body, Mind, and Soul
...hter Yoga can be done indoors or outside.• Some Laughter Clubs meet at the beach or in public parks while others meet in conference rooms, classrooms, hospitals, and so on.• No equipment or props are required.• There's no special clothing that you need to wear.• Laughter Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels. Basically, you can practice Laughter Yog...more
Oh What a Feeling! - One Session and You’ll be Hooked
...t, that mysterious new scratch in your car, that dog that won’t stop barking) simply won’t break as easily into that calm place that is your mind after practising yoga.But how long does this feeling really last? You might be surprised to know that it isn’t for just a few minutes. Many people say that they feel like they’re glowing and energized for several hours after a session, and the fee...more
Yoga- What Are The Different Types Of Yoga? you are trying to accomplish so that you can find the right type of yoga for you. So it is very important for you to know why you want to do yoga.For the people who want to get into better shape:Hatha yoga – This is where you use controlled stretching that emphasizes the developing of a flexible spine. This is a good type of yoga for all levels of fitness.Vini yoga – This is better yoga for p...more
What Will Yoga Do to Help Cure Yeast Infection? it grows root that dig into the intestine before penetrating into the blood stream, and generating the symptoms of yeast infection in different parts of the body.Many items can cause Candida overgrowth. These include:1. A weak immune system (perhaps because of the other health problems, bad eating, the use of antibiotics which in turn weaken the immune sy...more
Yoga Instructor Ethics
...ric and avoid, or eliminate, altogether, the importance of ethics, philosophy, and spirituality, which have been a part of yoga for its 5,000 year history.Without the ethical, philosophical, and spiritual elements, the complete benefits and true core of yoga are missing. The same can be said of actions taken by yoga inst...more


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