
Yoga Sticky Mats


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Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga
.... The series of postures firms the body, focuses the mind and cools the spirit in preparation for meditation.Pranayama - This practice of breathing exercises steadies the mind and cools the body in order for the yogi to master prana (life energy).Pratyahara - The practice of Pratyahara engages the yogi in a meditatio...more
Yoga and the Gift of Empowerment through the pursuit of knowledge. Learning is also another path to empowerment. You can learn from many sources, with modern technology, but always take the time to observe others. Through this method you will see what works, and what does not; but always remain ethical in your behavior, actions, and your words....more
Can you Lose Weight Without Exercising?
...uce hunger. There are points on the ear that are used to suppress appetite and Acupuncture can help reduce anxiety, relieve pain and help you become physically active.Massage. Last but not least there’s Massage and other types of bodywork that can help relieve the pain that might prevent a perso...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Reaching Happiness and Good Health From Within
... in it.In life, there are many obligations, but we have to accept them as they are, and make the most of it. However, the quest for happiness will take place when we purposely make it our objective. Seeing the value of your own intelligence, your family, your friends, and appreciating your good health, will bring you true happ...more
Warming-Up for the Yoga Poses
...head when desiring to view a different angle. But what really toughens the eye muscles is when you move your eyes in all directions, without actually turning your head. This stops eyestrain and corrects eyesight too.Most people usually place the pressure in their necks and shoulders. More often than not, it causes headaches, bad posture, and stiffness....more


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