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Can Yoga Boost Immunity To Fight Viral Attacks?
...old, a mild infection in the nose and throat by a virus, can be prevented by doing a regular ling mudra along with the kapalbhati pranyama (breathing technique), which results in inhaling more oxygen in to lungs thereby curing cold.Hence Yoga practice helps one to fight against many psychosomatic disorders/viral diseases and improves his immune system and handle the stressful situations in a more...more
Yoga -- For Relaxation
...attention to breathing, diet, correctly performing the exercises, and meditating.The deep, prolonged breath one learns through yoga helps the brain stay oxygenated, which contributes to mental clarity. Diet influences the structure of our body as well as our brain. The exercises (called asanas and pranayamas) were developed thousands of years ago to produce benefi...more
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Evokes Mental Release
...ul, serene, strong, relaxed, pure -- this is how you will feel after participating in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This ancient method is based around the idea of "flow" and connected movements.Like most forms of this type of therapy, it's not just a series of "stretches" or exercises -- but rather, a combination of philosophy, moral code, meditation...more
Practice Yoga for Anxiety Relief
...suppress negative thoughts. How does Yoga do this? The principle is simple. Let’s use 21st century jargon to give you a clear picture. Yoga is an ancient, but constantly evolving, science of life. The Yoga practitioner “reprograms” his or her thoughts.Your mind is your best friend, and your worst enemy, at the same time. When you attend...more
Introduction to the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System
...rgy Vortex. By multi-dimensional I mean that a Chakra bridges across the many dimensions that make up a human being. According to Yoga there are 4 bodies that constitute a complete human being. These are the physical body, psychic or astral body, the mental body and finally the causal body. Chakras reside in the astral body, and serve as transf...more


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