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What Is Mantra Yoga?
...nd could give you a sense of calmness and tranquility. It can also be stated as the achievement of the ultimate salvation by the chanting of verses. Most of the chants and phrases in Vedas are used for this purpose.This was a way to gain knowledge about the universe and find unison in you. When the mantras are chanted it helps in ke...more
A Guide To Sciatica Exercise gentle flowing movements to strengthen muscles and increase circulation. This type of sciatica exercise can be done by anyone who is able to walk. The movements also increase flexibility in the muscles and joints, improve posture and balance and in many cases have reduced the pain attributed to inflammation.Feldenkrais, anot...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Side Effects of Yoga Practice
...of our existence. Regular meditation sessions will yield a sound mind.A balanced mind will function in harmony with the body. With the emotional, mental, and physical planes of existence working smoothly, a Yoga practitioner will be more likely to achieve spiritual growth. Some will ask, "Does this mean Yoga will make you better than everyone else?"In answer to that question - Let's say: As a r...more
Easy And Advanced Yoga - What Is The Difference?
... days, be clairvoyance and even levitate. But that is not what advanced yoga encourages as it is to be unified with the universe and show you the direction in life.Another difficult type of yoga is the power yoga and it can be thought of as similar to karate. Even with experience in martial art instructions, you might not be sufficiently prepared to take on p...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...nowledge.' (Katha Upanishad 1.2.24) And in the Atharva text: 'It is in those who have tapas [strong discipline] and brahmacharya [chastity] that truth is established.' (Prashna Upanishad 1:15)And in the Gita: 'Firm in their vow of brahmacharya.' (Bhagavad Gita 6:14) So yama and niyama are methods of yoga" in themselves and are not mere adjuncts or aids that ...more


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