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Yoga Instructor Training - Mastering Your Communication Skills
...e will also pay to listen to an eloquent public speaker. Each person, who envisions teaching a Yoga class, primarily as a demonstration of his or her physical feats, is missing the opportunity to help students become the best they can be.Teaching your students to attain self-mastery can only be achieved through effective communication skills. Class time is specifically reserved for student ...more
Yoga For Digestive Disorders
...g a healthy life, not just healthy body but also healthy mind.Yoga aims at working towards bringing a balance in mind and body of a person, 'yoga' the word itself means union, i.e. union of body and mind for a healthy living. There is no organ in the body that yoga exercises do not address. Yoga exercises can give relief virtually from ...more
Tantra Yoga, Tantric Sex, or Viagra
...k read. Not everything in the Kama Sutra is for everyone, but there is enough material to keep you both interested for a lifetime. Therefore, the long-term solution is not in a pill.Learning about Tantra Yoga, and Tantric sex, will improve male sexual health at any age. Middle-aged couples can improve their own relationship, on many planes, with the help ...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...practice of yogic methods is not the means by itself, yet it is only out of that practice of yoga that the perfection in knowledge comes about. And so it is said by the teachers: 'Yoga is for the purpose of knowledge of truth'" Thus wrote Shankara.All things rest upon something else-that is, all things are supported by another. This is because a foundation is needed for anything to exist. Be...more
Yoga Can Help You to Lose Weight
...gular yoga classes and even getting good enough to venture into some advanced classes, has so many benefits. Here is what yoga can do for you.• Physical Benefits: Creates a toned, flexible, and strong body...yes, it helps to build muscle which will also help to improve your metabolism. It also promotes cardio and circulatory health.• Mental Benefits: ...more
