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How Effective are Online Classes to Teach Yoga?
...contain comprehensive instruction in all of the following areas to be worthwhile.These include: * Asanas* Yoga philosophy & methodology* Chakras* Bandhas* Mudras* Pranayama* Meditation and Relaxation* Working with special populationsRight now I’m looking at two main choices to formally certify my teaching skills and make me some mone...more
Yoga - One Size Doesn't Need To Fit All
...g Yoga?To tell the truth, I think they are intimidated.Obviously, Yoga is not something we read about or hear about every day, so there is already a lot of misunderstanding and uncertainty about the practice anyway. On top of that, take a look at the pictures in any Yoga book and what do you see? Pencil-thin people twisting their bodies into imp...more
Yoga History 101
...d as ‘thread’ or ‘aphorism’, which means ‘a short declaration of truth’. It also means ‘the concentration of a large quantity of information into a simple definition’. It is a way of looking at truths that apply to everyone despite culture in the clearest way possible.Hatha yoga, or the yoga that you do when you take a yoga class or perform yogic poses...more
Calm Comes Full Circle - How Meditation Enhances Yoga, and Vice Versa
...e overstimulating world around you and find a perfect meditative state instantly.More ideas for combining meditation and yogaThe same simple but effective meditation technique is a lifesaver when you're learning new, more challenging yoga poses or trying to perfect old ones. If you're getting frustrated or your mind is wandering during a particular pose, take a break, g...more
Knoxville Yoga Offers Variety
...itual, you will surely find a yoga style and teacher you like with a little shopping.The number of yoga styles and traditions can be daunting, so here is a list of what yoga you can find in Knoxville, TN with a brief description. To find a studio that offers what you think you'd prefer, simply search on Google or your preferred sea...more


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