
Becom One Yoga Pilates Studio


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Yoga Teacher Telephone Tips
...e first words to come out of your mouth should be something like, “Good morning, Aura Wellness Center, Paul speaking - May I help you?”This may seem like a lot to say, but you have already given them information, shown courtesy, and displayed an air of professionalism. The next step is to listen to the request, without interrupting, and to remember the name of the prospective Yoga ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Motivation for Better Health
...ssful, and live a life where powerful visions become reality. Your complete health will improve exponentially, as a result of regular Yoga practice.Yoga has so many good health aspects for a person to benefit from. Yet, some people see it only as a “workout,” and as a result, Yoga has become classified, in the west, as an exercise. Although Hath...more
Yoga and the Mind/Body Connection
...te of our mind is similarly affected, being calmer, and quieter. Over time, those who practice Yoga will act and think from a state of peace, making them more likely to act with patience and understanding. The breath helps us to concentrate on staying connected to the present time, helping us move on from past grievances...more
Yoga Certification - A Gateway To Job Satisfaction might be enough to reduce your stress levels. You might be able to make time to attend Yoga classes, get a massage, or go for a walk, on a regular basis.To maintain job satisfaction, and reduce stress, is a daily strategy to keep your mental, physical, and emotional health intact. One must make a concerted effort to maintain holistic health. Yet, it can be difficult to remain positive, wh...more
Ashtanga Yoga
.... There are eight spiritual practices of Ashtanga Yoga and they are Yama, niyama, asana, prananyama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi. All of these mean something spiritual. Yama means moral codes, niyama means self purification, pranayama means to have breath control, pratyahara means sense of control, dharana means concentration, dhyana means meditation and Samadhi means contemplation....more


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