
Pilates Vs Yoga For Arms Back Shoulders


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Yoga Beginner - Getting It Right
...ich are more difficult. Concentrate on the position you are most comfortable with. You are most likely so at ease with this position that you don’t even have to think about it anymore. The breathing and motions should be second nature by now, so you can begin to observe and emulate details in the instructor’s technique. Continue this step for each e...more
Yoga For Insomnia
...le opt for a sleeping pill. This multi-billion dollar industry thrives off this sense of futility. The biggest problem with choosing a sleeping pill is that these drugs often disrupt regular daily rhythms and can result in dependence. As it is, with all drugs, there are the side effects.As long as a person's insomnia is not a result of a medical problem, which needs professional attent...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Abundance is Under Your Nose
...uch more, sprang forth from ideas and dreams.Patanjali put his own ideas, and those from the past, into print. Should he have withheld the Yoga Sutras from humanity for the sake of humility? Of course not, and creativity should not be stifled, as long as it falls within moral and ethical guidelines.What can any of us contribute to mankind? ...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 1)
...of Yoga, maintenance of the studio, advertising, and many more aspects that keep a business going.My personal estimate of time that I spent on vacuuming, cleaning, and maintenance of the Yoga studio is thousands of hours before I hired someone else to do it. This does not account for any of the time spent on many other duties that go into running a Yoga studi...more
Purpose of Yoga - From Thought to Action
...all the various thoughts in the “Monkey Mind,” it is best that some of those are not put into action.On the other hand, if your friend is drowning in water, over his or her head, and you can swim, action must be immediate. In this situation, you cannot afford to procrastinate.How often do you hear people wish for something, but they are hesitant to take ac...more
