
Yoga Positions Downward Facing Dog


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Vedic Astrology - Finding Wealth and Right Livelihood in Your Chart
...home. Mars rules the 11th house of gain and resides in the first house. What have I done in my life that has produced the most wealth? Buying and remodeling houses and developing property!In my western chart, Mars and Saturn form a minor aspect but the real power of the two together is shown in my Vedic chart. ...more
Add Meditation to Your Life & Be The Master of Your Mind - Key to a Joyful & Stress Free Life is a resounding yes. And the key is MEDITATION. It is through meditation that one can understand the functionality of mind. This very understanding becomes the door to go beyond the clutches of mind. When one crosses this threshold, mind looses control over actions rather becomes a meek follower.Mind looses...more
Encourage Meditation
...the practice. It’s a hippie thing to do, doesn’t really do anything. It is, however, gaining acceptance as yoga becomes a more trendy exercise. And it is documented as being helpful.Resistance might still be present, however. Especially in someone who is depressed, because the apathy can be strong. The desire to change, while it may be ...more
Yoga and Golf - Are You Golf Ready?
...nd Jill McGill. Even Tiger has talked about his Buddhist background and how that impacts his meditation and focus techniques.” She goes on to say “Your breathing pattern is a direct reflection of the level of stress on the body and mind at any given point and is a mirror of your internal physical and mental condition. An effective tool to “de-stress” on the golf course is with the pra...more
Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga
... become primarily associated with the practice of asanas or postures of Hatha Yoga.Like many things in life, yoga poses are cumulative. Beginner poses provide a foundation for later yoga poses. Though the only way to adequately learn a pose is from an instructor, although some can be described as examples.The base for all standing poses is the "Moun...more
