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Ripped Abs and No More Back Pain Series - Part I
...r specific movements. Bad posture will spawn dysfunctional and compensation. Pilates and yoga inherently promote better flexibility, but how much is needed? Be careful as some yoga asanas engage extreme positions and could lead to promoting flexibility in areas that require stability, namely the lower lumbar. I...more
Teaching Yoga - A Great Job, Even in a Tough Economy
...job security. At the very least, they know what they will earn this week; at a time when job security has become a myth.Becoming a Yoga teacher is a big investment - while families are struggling to avoid foreclosures. Unfortunately, families require money and teaching Yoga may look like a gamble, but it is really a solid investment in education.Becoming a Yoga instructor is also...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?
...tly a physical practice?2. If Hatha Yoga were an exercise class, the value of a “coach” is worthy of note.3. There are so many Yoga students over 40 years of age, who desire a knowledgeable, mature, and careful Yoga teacher.Is Hatha Yoga strictly a physical practice? No - Hatha Yoga covers mental, spiritual, and e...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
...g the immune system's response to the offender.a) Practicing yoga posture in a relaxing way with slow deep breathing relaxes the nervous system is beneficial in fighting allergies.** Kapalabhati breathing is great for allergies as it forces out the mucus.** Standing poses-forward and backward bends, and twists tends to massage various parts of the spi...more
Yoga for Mind - Body and Spirit
... spiritual experience…..” However, outside of India Yoga has become associated as a form of stretching exercise and the philosophical aspect leading to spiritual enlightenment is oft times ignored. Certainly it is the exercise element of the philosophy that I have been witnessing in the wooden house beside the beach at Bang Po in Koh Samui. Patanjeali is credited with the 196 aphorisms ...more


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