Yoga Tantra

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Alternative Health Care Therapies
... by Hannemann in Germany, homeopathy acts of the concept that the body functions with the help of a million of chemical reactions. The homeopathy medicine identifies where these chemical reactions have failed or are overactive – in order to get the body in proper balance again. This is why many times, the problem is aggravated first and then re...more
Yoga for Fitness
...y flexible and advanced in their practice and may encourage you to do things your body isn't quite ready to do.Take things slowly. Start with a beginners class and do not advance to more challenging forms until your body is ready for the change. Like most things, Yoga is a practice that evolves with you and it will become a very enjoyable part of your...more
Yoga and Your Health
... Your Health Yoga is more than just physical exercise; it is achieving a state of mind. For millions of people, Yoga is a spiritual journey, one that has a number of health benefits. Yoga can help you fulfil yourself both spiritually and can help you hone your physical self into the best you can be. Thus, the...more
Yoga and Christianity a Conflict?
...f Yoga and meditation, are non-sectarian. Now, if Yoga were a religion, which would it be? The principles of Yoga are universal.The Yamas and Niyamas are similar, in principle, to the Ten Commandments, but as a Christian you have the right to pick and choose what you want from Yoga. You also have the right to avoi...more
The Wonderful Benefits Derived From Yoga For Women
...o some extent are unavoidable.As a woman progresses through her life, different issues can arise. Many women suffer extensively from premenstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps. Menopause incorporates substantial hormonal changes, and can often lead to increased levels of stress for women. Pregnancy is another major change in a woman's life, b...more


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