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Laughter Yoga - Laughter Heals Body, Mind, and Soul
...Laughter Yoga session consists of a series of exercises which include simulated laughter, yoga techniques, funny gestures, systematic giggling and guffawing, and improv-like activities. You don't have to be happy to laugh and you don't need a reason to laugh: scientists and doctors agree that fake or simulated laughter has the same physiological effects as spont...more
Yoga And Meditation: A Healthy Combo For Healthy Life you separate solutions instead yoga works well when all its integral parts are practiced simultaneously in an orderly manner. This is the way yoga offers holistic health improvement. That's why meditation must be incorporated in your yoga routine, it works as a stress buster and brings in mental rejuvenation.Yoga offers various ways of meditation that could be performed with other yoga p...more
Practice Yoga with the Best of Intentions
...intentions? In a few words: No, they do not.Some Yoga teachers over-step their boundaries. We have Yoga students who were abused verbally and physically, before they came here. Some were picked on for being overweight, insulted for their lack of flexibility, and one of my current students had her back jumped on by her former Yoga instr...more
Yoga - Benefits of Yoga
...,000 years old and is a scientific methodology aimed at uniting the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is believed to reduce pain by helping the brain's pain center regulate the gate-controlling mechanism located in the spinal cord and the secretion of natural painkillers in the body. Breathing exercises ...more
Yoga for Kids: Holistic Approach to the Health of Our Children
... your Email box. If you read through the spam, you will notice that spammers want to sell you pills, not permanent solutions to obesity. The spammer’s approach is to make quick money off the public.When the majority of our population refuses to exercise, the easy money is in selling pills, instant weight ...more


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