
New York Yoga Teacher Training


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See Why Yoga Mats Are A Useful Accessory To Enhancing Your Yoga Experience
...ticing yoga, then you will probably find that a yoga mat enhances the experience. A yoga mat gives you a comfortable resting place for your body, and also helps to define your exclusive space for doing yoga.When you go to purchase a yoga mat, there are a number of things that you should look for, including:Check the dimensions of the mat - it ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga for Peace of Mind
...asily be seen, but they can be felt. The problem is most people have disconnected from their physical body, and some people have actually disconnected from their minds.Look at commuter traffic outside of any city and you will see people running from place to place on “auto-pilot.” Although there are more people attending Yoga c...more
Yoga Exercise For Health
...completely than any other type of exercise.Part of the stress relieve is the result of getting additional oxygen into your bloodstream from the breathing exercises. The oxygen helps the body get rid of toxins.Yoga is also a great exercise if you have joint injuries. The easy stretches help to limber up the ...more
Add Meditation to Your Life & Be The Master of Your Mind - Key to a Joyful & Stress Free Life learning the basic yoga poses is enough.When we talk about the benefits of meditation, besides the spiritual growth, there are numerous other benefits of meditation. One of them is that it relieves from stress as it is a permanent stress relief antidote. But who creates this mountain of stress? It’s none other than your closest one i.e. your mind. Now when you know who the str...more
Practice Yoga with the Best of Intentions
...ow, your thinking, doesn’t everyone practice, learn, and teach Yoga with the best of intentions? In a few words: No, they do not.Some Yoga teachers over-step their boundaries. We have Yoga students who were abused verbally and physically, before they came here. Some were picked on for being overweight, insulted for their lack ...more


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