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If You're Serious About Being Healthy - Get In Front Of A Computer
.... Clear visual and audio instruction – Using the same technology as the Hollywood movie studios, we can get full screen, High Definition (HD) quality streaming video online. We don’t need to wait and we don’t even need to waste electricity downloading the videos overnight. It’s as convenient as putting on a DVD. More health improving yo...more
Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
...tions and ascribes it to the will of the Supreme.Devotion and faith play a vital role in this branch of yoga. The devotee or bhakta is supposed to be highly religious, should adopt a friendly stance towards all the other living beings including animals, read religious texts, concentrate on the symbol of the Divine, think and wish well for the others etc. Th...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating Happiness From Within
...sts within all of us. You can easily make a case that happiness is a choice. Some people make statements, such as: “My life is boring; all I do is work,” “My life isn’t fair,” and “When I make a million dollars, I’ll be happy.” Sorry to say, the problem of “unhappiness,” in the previously mentioned statements, lies within the individual. In each case, happiness was a matter of choice.If w...more
Yoga Instructor Training - The Yoga Diet And Its Focus On Nutrition
...t of yoga practice, for centuries. For the whole health benefit of yoga, one must pay close attention to nutrition.Discussions about yoga, and yoga benefits, are mostly centered on the movements of the practice. The focus on holistic nutrition is often swept aside. Yet, this is an essential element of whole body health. In a society where pre-packaged foods ar...more
Yoga - An Early History
... The science of yoga started at the beginning of human civilization and slowly evolved and was developed by ancient sages from all over the world. There are some traditions which believe that yoga was a divine gift that was given to mankind to help realize it's divine nature.In a future article we'll cover t...more


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