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Yoga and Golf - Are You Golf Ready?
...e more rhythm and “feel” in your golf swing.”WRAPPING IT UP: So where’s the connection? Slow down your breathing. Improve your skills, both through instruction and practise. Appreciate and drink in your surroundings….the golf course scenery is usually gorgeous. Appreciate and understand that you can start from...more
Yoga And Your Health
... bringing about improvements in physical health as well as mental and physiological well-being. More and more people are now taking up yoga in order to increase their flexibility, ease stress, reduce pain in the muscles and the joints and also as a way of dealing with several health problems.Yoga is a highly therapeutic art...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 6
...o a bit further, every religion practices a form of Mantra or Japa. If you have been to a church, temple, shrine, ashram, or mosque, you will hear prayers, chanting, and singing.So, what happened to the concept that Yoga is not a spiritual practice? Well, it is, but some popular physical forms do not address spiritual health. Pilates is a popu...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Taking Control of Your Life
...from within you.The solution to this problem is also within you. Once you understand that you have to respect your own self-image at all times, you will manifest positive energy from within. You must forgive yourself for past mistakes, make positive changes, and never speak poorly of yourself. You will receive nothi...more
Yoga-Based Education System
... so many children become emotionally unbalanced and disturbed during their adolescent and adolescent years.Adrenal glands have a very important role to play in the child’s moral behaviour. Usually, those with criminal tendencies have a overactive adrenal system.Yogic system of education There are various processes through which knowledge...more
