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The Purpose of Yoga - Solutions for Depression
...ergy from the core of your being.If you feel depressed often, self-analysis may not be in your best interest. Your therapist, close friends, and family will most likely be your best “sounding boards.” It is very unhealthy to keep your emotions “locked up.”Therefore, you may have to allow yourself to cry. Believe me - it is not comfortable for any of u...more
Yoga For Cancer Afflicted Folks
...ure and cancer. However Yoga has proved its efficacy in easing the stress and trauma that a cancer patient undergoes. Yoga could be even adopted as a preventive measure against cancer. Since Yoga happens to be a natural healer of damaged cells and tissues, it is considered to prevent cells from getting cancero...more
Relax and Get Fit with Yoga Positions, Stretching and Meditation
...s, stretching and meditation require no specialized equipment and little more than your time and the desire to learn, relax and feel healthy.Hatha yoga is the most commonly practiced type of yoga in western civilizations. Yoga is a combination of breathing and positions that encourage harmony between the mind and body. By practicing conscious breathing and various postures, you tone ...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 2
...Yoga studios and ashrams have these workshops at the beginning of a season. This is good bonding time for the more physical Yoga students within your facility. You could always go out to your favorite restaurant afterwards.Yoga with Weights: Sherri Baptiste just released a book on this subject. Bodybuilders have practiced combining weight re...more
Create A Yoga Or Meditation Retreat At Home
...transport you to a calmer place.3. Add tools. If you use a meditation cushion in class, buy one. If you don't have your own yoga mat (or block, or bolster, or strap), buy one. It's much easier to follow a practice if you have the right tools.4. Get media assistance. I can't practice yoga on my own for more than 15minutes before I ge...more


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