
Yoga Teacher Program


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Yoga Teacher Program Information


Yoga as a Lifestyle
...ess should take a look at what yoga can offer. They may be surprised to find that many of the beliefs they held about yoga are not true. Many people underestimate yoga as a way to better their health and wellness. However, many others have found the truth and are living a healthier and happy yoga lifestyle.Yoga is a low impact...more
Pregnancy - Recommended Yoga
...1) Yoga Exercises - These work on the reproductive organs and pelvis to ensure a smooth pregnancy and a relatively easy childbirth. At subtle level, these ensure optimum supply of blood and nutrients to the developing foetus.2) Breathing or Pranayama - Works on fitness during pregnancy. These powerful techniques e...more
Tracing the History of Yoga
...ho were in their society and at the same time act as the religious mediators.Archaic Yoga also had the same purpose as they were community oriented and they aimed to determine the enormous order through senses and inner vision which then can be applied to our daily lives.As time went on, Yoga has pro...more
Tips For Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
...rst, to find out which classes might be suitable, and to see whether that teacher has a real grasp of what the condition or problem implies for a yoga practice. Some people, whether they are yoga teachers or not, have a more rigid outlook, and may not be able to appreciate that a flexible approach in such circumstances is important. Or, they may not ha...more
Yoga and Meditation - Questions and Answers
... of thoughts in the mind? Is that all there is to it?A. No. It is much more sophisticated than that. It is also pretty technical, but there is no avoiding that.“Yoga is the suppression of the modifications of the chitta,” is the beginning statement of the Yoga Sutras as well as being Patanjali’s definition of yoga. Meditation establishes our consciousness in the true s...more
