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Yoga vs Gym Workouts - Which is Better?
...ple, a solid yoga session is more beneficial than the "typical gym workout", which looks a little something like this...Spend 30 minutes getting ready, making sure I look cute. Look myself up and down in the mirror. Take a deep breath before entering the loud, busy gym. Swipe my card on the machine. Compare myself to everyone else around me. Wait 5 minutes for this loud and obnox...more
Yoga Meditation in Disguise
... centuries by people from many religions.Among these religions, meditation has also been practiced by Jews, Moslems, Roman Catholics, and Protestants, for the purpose of a deeper spiritual experience.Joshua 1:8 states, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it da...more
Yoga Therapy
...their physical and mental attributes, and the knowledge of this works insidiously throughout all they endeavor to accomplish in life. Half the sterile lives in the world are due to the unconscious (or sometimes conscious) realization of the inadequacy of the individual to reconcile his life with what he feels should be the true method of living. The result is...more
I Need to Lose Weight, Can I Use Yoga? Artists, Indian and African Wrestlers perform tons of rounds of these exercises alone, so in learning yoga for beginners, needless to say, this will be a guaranteed must-know for any system of yoga conditioning for weight loss.Other poses to look into for the trouble spots are1. Arms: The Bow, Wheel and Balancing Poses2. Abs: The Bow, Peacock and Shoulder Stand Po...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Class Presentation
...away your students' confidence in you. Students should have a perception of confidence in you and your teaching method.You should respond to questions. One student may ask a question, which is on other student's minds. At the same time, it is important to avoid digressing. So, stick to the point, avoid tangents, and get back to your lesson plan, after you have politely answered a...more


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