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Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 1
... evolution in progress, and as such, embraced the many healthful benefits of what we know as the Sun Salutations.Let’s cover the many benefits of the Sun Salutations and you can see why so many different sequences have evolved over time. Some of today’s popular Vinyasa Yoga, Power Yoga, and Ashtanga Yoga sequences are an expansion of Surya Namaskar. First of al...more
Crash Course on Yoga
... of HA, which means sun and THA, which means moon, suggesting the union of opposites. HATHA emphasizes asanas which is the practice of yoga postures; pranayama which are breathing techniques and dhyana, which is the attempt to reach a state of consciousness through meditation. As a form of exercise, it invol...more
The Purpose of Yoga- The Change We Wish to See
...ess than human or inferior.When you listen to a story about a conflict of any kind, do not be in a hurry to judge, pick sides, or jump to conclusions. When you choose a charity, to help or support, make sure it does contribute to the common good of humanity.One of the changes we wish to see is a better world for our ch...more
Weight Loss - Benefits of Yoga and Exercise
...tional stress. Yoga is an excellent supporter in reducing obesity as well as psychological pressures. Yoga plays a vital role in treating obesity and it bestows with skills that take charge of the entire body as well as the mind.Some of the postures and positions of yoga are beneficial in decreasing fats from our body. The twisting, backward and forward bending helps in reducing fats near t...more
3 Miracles of Yoga and Meditation
...cusing on yourself, you no longer rely on the need to control your environment, but instead, allowing you to control your own reaction to that environment.Not only is this incredibly empowering, but is also the ticket to true happiness, great relationships and clear thinking in your life. Yoga and meditation, by calming the mind and giving yo...more


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