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Curing Depression And Stress
... to cure psychological disorders. Meditation helps a patient to get rid of anxious thoughts. There are many books and websites which explain the benefits of yoga and meditation.If above methods does not help you to get rid of stress then it is a good idea to visit a health professional. A physician can help you a lot in getting rid of depression. You can consult a dietician who c...more
Yoga, Do Not Knock It Until You Try It
... your sister when she was doing yoga? Yes, I know that is fun isn’t it? I have done this on many occasion and watched the silly looking humans fall right over indeed. Not bad, it is easy too; a little push and see ya, over they go. But really we should be very serious yoga is quite good for the soul, relaxation and de-stressing t...more
Styles Of Yoga - Choosing The Correct Style For You
...oners synchronize their breath with the postures and focus on continuity of movement and elimination of toxins through body heat. Introduced to the west by Patabai Jois.Iyengar: Correct Alignment of the Postures. The Iyengar style Yoga is primarily focused on precise posture alignment, held for longer periods of time, along with mental di...more
What is Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga? (Part-II)
...ments of inhalation and exhalation and this cut off is Pranayama(II.49). This can be scientifically explained also. When the body is in motion, the rate of metabolism in the body is higher and so one breathes in quick succession. Conversely whe one is in rest the rate of metabolism is less and one breathes after a long pause. Again, when mind is restless, one breathes qu...more
Love Yoga? How to Find The Right Yoga Instructor and Yoga Class for You
...een to do these stretching exercises, the key is enrolling in a right class for you which ideally has an expert instructor who looks into your personal needs. It is also important that you must also know your personal limitations and goals.Though the advantages and disadvantages are well known, very little is known about what...more
