
Eddie Bauer Yoga Pants


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Body and Mind Detox - 5 Ways to Better Health
...y in the relationship between the mind and body. By changing our thoughts and emotions we can have a direct effect on our bodies. Here are 5 ways that you can detox the mind.1) Creative Visualization - Lie down in a quiet room and mentally picture a positive scene. You could imagine lying on a tropical beach with the waves lapping ...more
Yoga for Kids
...e class or karate class you can squeeze in a yoga class and maybe you can join them. The support of a parent lets the child know that it is okay. It also helps to boost their confidence when they begin. If you don't have access to a yoga class for kids you may want to purchase a CD or DVD that your child c...more
Yoga For Weight Loss
...oals has to consider that there are many variables. Diet, genetics, activity levels, stress levels, and personal mindset, all play a role in weight control. Yoga can help you lose weight by improving all, or several, of these factors.If you consider the physical aspect of yoga only, it is true that many ...more
Practice Hard, Heal Fast? - Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Exercises overcome your general yoga soreness, keep practicing—but practice more gently. Don’t stretch so deeply and modify postures as needed.Taking extended time off from practice is never beneficial.The rule “if you don’t use it, you lose it,” certainly holds true with yoga, but over zealous students have been known to blow out their knees, pull hamstrings, and slip disk...more
Abdominal Exercises and Pregnancy
...n Pose (Tadasana)-Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)-Warrior Pose-Standing Side Stretch Pose-Tree Yoga Pose-Corpse PoseThese poses are of course recommended as they have little or no pressure on the abdomen.Some serve to strengthen the pelvic muscles and build the small of the back, both being major body parts that need to be strengthened for chi...more


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