
Certification Home Study Yoga 20


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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - An Historical Text
...out there who credit the writing of this set of sutras to a grammarian named Patanjali. Later, though, a timeline was constructed that showed that to be unlikely. Within the yoga community, though, many say that Patanjali was actually just a compiler and that before the work was written, the Sutras were simply memorized and passed down between teacher and student. Timelines do, th...more
Yoga Meditation in Disguise
...ous leaders who condemn it, then what is going on? Why is Yoga considered a threat to any religion?For a few religious leaders, the issue of meditation has more to do with withholding power and maintaining an elite status than anything else. In the case of Yoga - an Ashram, Yoga studio, or Yoga center, is open to the public. You will not be discriminated again...more
Fireworks after Yoga Day USA
...o walk a fine line within multi-cultural societies in the West. Within the United States, there are groups who work to have the word, “God” removed from U.S. currency, the Bible removed from our courtrooms, and Christmas trees removed from the premises of government buildings.For the sake of argument, if the promotions of Yoga Day USA stated, “the roots of Yoga come from the anci...more
Yoga: Two Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – The Eagle
...oves concentration, sense of balance and grace of the body.By regular practice of this posture the joint mobility in the ankles, knees, hips, elbows, wrists, shoulders and of the scapula (shoulder blades) are increased. It opens the chest, hips, and back of the pelvis.The Eagle posture improves the f...more
Oh What a Feeling! - One Session and You’ll be Hooked
... worth of murky worries and doubts, and ending up with a crystal-clear train of thought.Yoga’s powers of mental rejuvenation will affect every aspect of your everyday life. The little things in life (that deadline to meet, that mysterious new scratch in your car, that dog that won’t stop barking) simply won’t break as easily into that calm place that is your mind after practising yoga.Bu...more


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