
Yoga Certification Work Exchange


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Need To Improve Your Health Or Flexibility? Try Yoga
...As Yoga exercises or movements are done slowly and carefully, over time this will lead to an improvement in your overall flexibility and this will make differences in other areas of your life.Improvements in flexibility can reduce muscle strain from trying to do things which your current flexibility prohibits without effort. I...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Peacefully Co-Existing With Others there to keep humankind in place.How often do you hear the following statements? “Relationships are not what they used to be.” “Dating is different nowadays.” “Nobody wants to make a commitment any more.”Consider these words, “Children nowadays are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble the...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 1 object to learning about a method to connect to God. However, what does it say about a culture that is to busy to talk or think about God?It means many things and some societies are showing signs of systematic spiritual illness. However, if you teach Hatha Yoga under these circumstances, you might be best to l...more
Philosophy and Universal Principles of Yoga
...usness.2. Niyams: Niyams are observances. They are austerities, purity, contentment, study and egolessness.3. Asanas: Steady postures and poses.4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises and control of the vital energy.5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the Senses.6. Dharana: Concentration of the mind.7. Dhyana: Meditation.8. Samadhi: Union with the Supreme Consciousness.The regular practice o...more
Ashtanga Yoga
...s, including relieving the pain of stiff and sore muscles, as well as joint pain. Your muscles become more flexible and toned which adds to the overall good of your health.The physical benefits of Ashtanga Yoga are great, but there are also mental and emotional benefits as well. When practicing this form of Yoga you built on your ability to focus mentally and release negative energy. The f...more


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