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Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Ethical Guidelines
..., be certain to touch students for Asana assistance and education, only. Any self-respecting organization should have ethical guidelines, so there is no excuse for teachers who know better and violate them.In regard to discrimination and intolerance: This goes against the very foundation of Yogic principles. There is no excuse for discrimination of g...more
Yoga Instructor Training Aspects - Yoga Class Priorities
...tention out and praise the good technique of a student beside the one who struggles.Sometimes, Yoga teachers spend so much time correcting, that most students feel they are not worthy of the time spent in class. If we are verbally beating any student's ego down, is he or she receiving the best possible Yoga instruction?This does not mean to ignore poor technique, but students should feel b...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Relief from the Symptoms of MS
...o list here, but I have more flexibility, more energy, more confidence and it has helped me stay focused and on task. I have learned how to deal with anxiety and stress in a more positive fashion. My job is very high stress and practicing yoga has helped me stay focused on the client I am with at the ...more
My Experience with Bikram Yoga of us. Health does not just refer to our physical beings but also to our mental attitudes and spiritual growth.Bikram or hot yoga addresses emotional as well as physical well being and flexibility. When I visited my daughter in California, she signed me up for my first experience with hot yoga. Being in my fifties, I was a little concerned about ...more
Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered
...isable not to eat directly before a yoga class. Allow at least a couple of hours without food before starting your practice. Your body will be put through many different poses and positions while practicing yoga and your food needs to be digested so you feel little or no effects. If you do need to have something to eat, make it a light snack and at least thirty minutes before the ...more


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