
Yoga Mat Sizes


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Stress Eraser - Ways to Help Eliminate Stress - Exercise Part 2 muscle relaxation this is where you sit in a chair back straight, head tall and straight, both feet on the floor and your hands resting on your lap. Tighten each muscle group and keep it tightened for about 15 to 20 seconds. Then relax slowly, it is best to start at the head and work down or at the feet and work up, exercise all muscle...more
Add Meditation to Your Life & Be The Master of Your Mind - Key to a Joyful & Stress Free Life
...ith erect spine should not be a problem. The most advanced yoga schools do teach kundalini yoga and ashtanga yoga but then for the beginners learning the basic yoga poses is enough.When we talk about the benefits of meditation, besides the spiritual growth, there are numerous other benefits of meditation. One of them is that it relieves from stress as it is a permanent stress reli...more
Yoga Can Help Purge Addictions
... who has been engaged in some sort of battle against addictions. Many times, we think of tobacco, alcohol, and drug dependency.There are many more bad habits, which have become deeply embedded into our society. As state-sanctioned gambling became readily available, at the local convenience store, it is now possible to see your neigh...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Gifts To Give Your Yoga Students
... do they need most? What are the most valuable gifts we can leave behind for our Yoga students? Is it something expensive? Would they benefit most from an electronic gift?Many people look at the word “gift” as a tangible present, but you can give Yoga students good memories and valuable lessons, which last a life time. ...more
Yoga in Practice: From Worrier to Warrior I
...n your Yoga class. When you do not take time out for yourself, your health will suffer.Consider your Yoga class to be “me time.” This is time you need to improve your well-being. There is no “short cut” to good holistic health. Many have tried to design a pill for the illusion of good health, but so far, all the public...more


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