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Getting Started With Yoga
...many things but NOT about pain, so if you can't reach your toes, don't worry. Just go as far as you can. In a few sessions you will notice how you body learns to do more and more of the movements you couldn't do before.There is a certain terminology that can take some time to get used to. For example, postures are referred to as asanas. And there are a ...more
Raja Yoga Meditation - Achieving An Integration Of Mind And Body
... all about gaining control on everything that is connected with you. This is not just about controlling your breath, but in fact, it is more about controlling your mind. The ultimate purpose here is to achieve an integration of mind and body.PrinciplesThere are eight principles of raja yoga meditation. In fact, in Sanskrit language, this type of meditation is also known as Ashtanga, which li...more
Yoga Tour India
...h will lead to genuine inner contentment and self-actualization. Contrary to the popular belief, yoga can be practiced by everyone and has an amazing effect on the body and mind energies allowing one to deal with life's ups and downs with a sense of equanimity.The yoga tours in India include a tour to North India, tou...more
Yoga For Stress Relief And Anxiety
... on a regular basis.Yoga breathing involves a range of deep, slow, rhythmic breaths. If you pay attention to your breath, when you are stressed, it will be irregular, shallow, nervous, and jagged. This happens involuntarily as a response to stress, but this rapid, shallow breathing actually amplifies stress levels.The result is a vicious cycle that can climax into a panic attack for thos...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga For Cancer Recovery
... to high stress situations, such as - surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy and pain, fatigue is an obvious result.As part of the recovery process - The body has been fighting a disease and then fighting to heal. Regular yoga practice will increase energy levels, and allow those recovering from cancer, to feel able aga...more


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