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Teaching Hatha Yoga: Establishing Guidelines for Student Conduct
...of surfaces to choose from, but most Yoga teachers do not want shoes on the studio floor. During winter, in northern climates, snow and ice can track all the way onto the Yoga studio floor.That is, just one reason, why Yoga studios have a sign that states: “Please leave your shoes outside the Yoga studio door.” The best one I ever saw was a guy who left a trail of metal sp...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Plough
...ders and upper back. It tones the spinal nerves and increases blood circulation to the whole area. It helps to develop inner balance and mental relaxation. It also calms the brain.Three important reasons (out of many) not to do Plough:1) A person with hernia should avoid this asana.2) Anyone with slipped disc, sciatica or serious back pain should never attempt to ...more
Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis
...have MS, because the physical practice of posture and breath can be modified for any individual, regardless of their condition. With the right teacher, you can learn posture (asana) and breathing techniques (pranayama) from a wheel chair or a hospital bed.What can we realistically expect Yoga therapy to do for those who have MS? Yoga enables a...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga Indian religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and also Sikhism as well as Jainism. Although the early Christians also knew and taught about the teachings of karma they were the esoteric groups like the Gnostics, the Essenian teachings and the Rosicrucian's. Even in today's Christian bible you can read the phrase "What y...more
What You Need to Know When You Start Yoga Exercises
...more about each instructor, and then choose the one that you like best.It's important that you approach yoga with the right mental attitude. It is not a competition. It is not a challenge. You are not trying to do something better than anyone else. In fact, yoga is a very personal experience. So listen to your own body as you learn the exercises and yo...more


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