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Is Yoga a Myth?
...body. Now, as for the heart attack issue, yoga helps to relieve stress through rhythmic breathing techniques and physical exercise. Stress, for example, has been scientifically demonstrated to CONTRIBUTE, not cause, heart disease. If yoga can alleviate that, then the benefits, or potential benefits are immediately o...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Gifts To Give Your Yoga Students
...A Yoga student must learn to develop full awareness of his or her physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Never hold back any information, which will benefit a Yoga student’s health or success. Yoga teachers are a guide toward a healthy and successful life. Students must be encouraged to independently think for themselves.Praise students, when it is earned...more
Yoga Styles - Part 2 introduced by Bikram Choudury. Bikram yoga is another branch of Hatha. It is characterized by a room heated to a temperature of 105F (40.5C) with a humidity of 40%. The classes are typically 90 minutes in length and suited for participants of all levels. The class always consists of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. If you are...more
Getting Bent Into Shape In Texas - Or Yoga For Beginners
...ween mind, body and spirit.But Yoga is probably more accurately described in Sanskrit as "asana," which is the practice of physical postures or poses. And yet, Asana is only one of the eight types of Yoga. The majority of Yoga practices involve mental and spiritual well being, rather than physical activity. However, the words asana and Yoga have become almost s...more
Top 5 Benefits of Group Yoga Practice
...our Kundalini Yoga practice, he saw fields of blue energy approaching him from all directions. If you have not participated in a group Kundalini Yoga class, I suggest you find one in your area and get ready for a memorable experience.2. More Consistency & Intensity:As I have said many times, one of the hardest things about a yoga and meditation practice ...more


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