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A Comfortable State of Mind and Body
...ns of the body, such as, the endocrine glands, the digestive, heart and other organs to function in an improved manner. And, all this can be achieved with even the most simple of Yoga asanas!Practised in India for centuries, this ancient practice is elaborated in great detail in sub-continental historical treatises and texts! As in everything else, India is b...more
Yoga - The Natural Master Of All Remedies
...acticing the moves to overcome their anger outbursts, in other words tantrums when not getting their own way. Remember workouts can be done at home if preferred.In fact, yoga practiced at home can prove to be more relaxing because you are in control over your own moves unless of course you are following a routine put together on a video ...more
The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
...ur respiratory muscles, improved flexibility of the joints, improved coordination and muscle tone, maintenance of bone density, reduced risk of injury as well as the prevention of weight gain. Psychological benefits can also include an increase in self-confidence, decreased cravings for tobacco and food, better sleep, an increased ability to relax, improved concentration as well as a reduced ...more
All You Need To Know About Baby Yoga
...ep relaxation process during the yoga session helps new parents to cope with the stresses of early parenthood and to build their confidence in handling their infant. It is important to reduce stress and anxiety about the new arrival in order to promote and maintain a healthy bond between parent and baby. What is more, it is a fantastic way to learn methods of...more
Hatha Yoga
...s high ranks for its power to counter the stress and sedentary habits of today's culture. Stretching a bit to reach the basic yoga postures is so good for us! Yoga postures are reputed to alleviate or prevent health challenges from constipation to cancer.In addition to postures, Hatha Yoga incorporates moral tenan...more
