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Reduce Stress
...nMeditation as a form of alternative medicine brings about mental calmness and physical relaxation by suspending the stream of thoughts that normally occupy the mind. Generally performed once or twice a day for approximately 20 minutes at a time, meditation is used to reduce stress, alter hormone levels, and elevate one's mood...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
...routine of life is hectic, so one should have a regular routine of life.** Do yoga postures which strengthen the body's natural resistance and helps the body block toxic reactions and strengthens the liver, which boosts the immunity.** Ayuvedic herbal preparations can be very beneficial, and some of the ...more
More About Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth
...y the past.Meditation sessions should be spent pondering a positive solution. Meditation time should never be spent on negative thoughts, or rehashing past mistakes. We cannot change the past, and we must realize what parts of our lives can realistically be controlled. There are situations in life...more
Hatha Yoga for Beginners: Discover Peace of Mind who is less fortunate. Even when our own situation looks dismal, it will not be hard to find a person who needs our help. When you help others, this is a form of Karma Yoga, and you will feel better about yourself.Insecurity is a result of lack of faith. Yoga can help you find faith again. Everyone who practices Yoga long enough understands the Yogic aspect of s...more
The Highly Complicated Swara Yoga Takes Breathing Exercises To A Higher Level
... breathing exercises go a couple of steps higher. They touch all parts of your daily activities right from the time when you wake up. This includes eating, bathing, working, socializing and even sleeping.Those who master Swara Yoga can gain control over anything in their lives -- right from making friends and earning more wealth to gaining knowled...more


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