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Yoga Benefits Each And Everyone Of Us
...tead of enjoying our flexibility and balance we begin to carry stress. That stress is carried in our shoulders and our backs and our necks. Basically we lost our balance, our inner and outer balance.Yoga helps us restore that balance. Yoga is meant to create a sense of unity in our minds, body and spirit. You do not need to be an expert to do yoga or enjoy the benefits of yoga...more
Tibetan Singing Bowl in Meditation is a nice addition to any yoga class, and is more soothing than the recorded music that many yoga classes use.Singing bowls are wonderful to use in outside environments and for yourself at home. They are becoming more and more popular in the west, along with yoga and Buddhism. When you are not playing...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Communication
... the ignorant.Does this justify a Yoga teacher's refusal to answer questions? In short - No, because you cannot let one relationship taint all of your future relationships. People are not the same.We cannot take it out on the world because we had one difficult person upset us. On the other hand, just like everyone else, Yoga instructors are human too. We all make mistakes, and one moment is no...more
Hatha Yoga 101
...exercises, moral values and meditation, if one would view it as a way of life. Since Hatha Yoga is one of the more popular forms of Yoga in the Western World, it has transformed and found for itself new definitions.It is said that the basic objective of Hatha Yoga is to pave the way towards the subsequent phases in Yoga such as sense-withdrawal, concentra...more
Practice Hard, Heal Fast? - Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Exercises is good, pain is bad.To overcome your general yoga soreness, keep practicing—but practice more gently. Don’t stretch so deeply and modify postures as needed.Taking extended time off from practice is never beneficial.The rule “if you don’t use it, you lose it,” certainly holds true with yoga, but over zealous students have been known to blow out their knees, pull hamstrings, ...more


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